NISM-Series-21A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Exam Practice Test & Mock Test with 750+ Question Bank and 10 Case Studies with 100+ Questions

  • Ace your NISM-Series-21A PMS Distributors Exam with our comprehensive guide and practice tests!

Learners Enrolled : 3

Created by Gurukul On Road

  • English

About the course

This NISM Exam Preparation Test Series is tailored specifically for the NISM-Series-21A exam for Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors. It includes a comprehensive practice test with over 750 questions and 10 case studies with 100+ questions along with detail answer explanation to help you assess your knowledge and readiness for the exam. 

Mastering the NISM Exams with 1500+ Question Bank & 10+ Case Study with 100+ Case-Based Questions.

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